Glittering Vices

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By Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung

Drawing on centuries of wisdom from the Christian ethical tradition, this book takes readers on a journey of self-examination, exploring why our hearts are captivated by glittery but false substitutes for true human goodness and happiness. The first edition sold 35,000 copies and was a C. S. Lewis Book Prize award winner. Now updated and revised throughout, the second edition includes a new chapter on grace and growth through the spiritual disciplines. Questions for discussion and study are included at the end of each chapter.

1. Why Study the Vices?
2. Gifts from the Desert: The Origins and History of the Vices Tradition
3. Vainglory: Image Is Everything
4. Envy: Feeling Bitter When Others Have It Better
5. Sloth (Acedia): Resistance to the Demands of Love
6. Avarice: Possession and Mastery
7. Wrath: Holy Emotion or Hellish Passion?
8. Gluttony: Feeding Your Face and Starving Your Heart
9. Lust: Sexuality Stripped Down
10. The Rest of the Journey: Self-Examination, the Seven Capital Vices, and Spiritual Formation

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